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The reason I say this is that it’s a real lesson Country Girl Gifts I Farm Life Boho Graphic Country T-shirt . We see things we aren’t right for us. But we just let there ‘red flags’ go by, and 50 years later when (if you’re fortunate enough to figure out what YOU have accepted and allowed to happen) you realize this is wrong for you. You’ve acclimated to a half-life. At that point, you either ‘settle’ and do the best you can or you don’t. I think the answer is to live your own truth. Each of us deserves happiness at any age. ‘Settling’ is never the answer for the brave as frightening as it might appear the most widely employed local money systems are mutual exchange systems (such as LETS and time banks): credits (of local money or hours of time, etc) are recorded in the accounts of members when providing goods and/or services, and debits are recorded in the accounts of members when consuming those goods and services,
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