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How wonderful elephants If it’s not my smart mouth getting Me in trouble it’s my facial expressions there is no winning shirt .at long long last have angels protecting them those who kill elephants or any other beautiful animals for trophy as in ivory skins as in wild cat species or genitals as in tigers are some of the most disgusting hateful members if the animal Kingdom on earth thank you ladies and may your protection save a great animal species This brought tears. Life can be cruel if you let it. She is a strong intelligent person with a lot more to give. Proud to see women doing powerful work to help animals damien mander it is in a woman’s nature.
If it’s not my smart mouth getting Me in trouble it’s my facial expressions there is no winning shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt

Nurture and protect the weakest in society If it’s not my smart mouth getting Me in trouble it’s my facial expressions there is no winning shirt . It makes no difference if it is human or animal. You wanted to know what it was about the woman, it’s her momma bear or her lioness instinct that kicks in. We as women see it all the time when you threaten our cubs. So happy you have realized the potential right in your own back yard so to speak congratulations to these fierce women for doing the job honourably when men could not! beautiful women. So sad that there is a need for animals to be protected from mankind. Yet beyond wonderful to see those ladies doing the best for themselves and the animals go girls.Thank you for sharing this is so well written, no matter what it was referring to it’s inspiring I can’t take back the past, but I’m not going to be trapped by it either. And in this case, nothing makes me happier than to say, I’ve been wrong. I am holding back tears. This is so beautiful for all involved. The animals have fully committed protectors and the girls are empowered.Black adults have historically been called boy or girl as a way to delegitimize their roll as equals in white society. The people fighting are indeed women and deserve that distinction.Hunting for survival is one thing, but trophy hunting is a relic from an archaic past. Such a waste. Now the remaining wild animals in Africa need military protection from poaching
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